
Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2012

self build: a Danbouy

In case you haven’t noticed,  I like to build things for the boat myself. When I was a student (which only ended two years ago),  I sailed Geronimo on a very low budget and often the maths came down to food, diesel or equipment for the boat. For sailing out on the North Sea (we are based on the Grevelingen Meer, which is a bit more protected) I like to have a danbouy onboard. But if you look them up in the chandleries they are always a bit pricey. So I had a go at building my own.

If you want to build your own Danbuoy, you need the following items:

 And for night cruises I recommend adding this C-LIGHT LIFEJACKET LIGHT to the list.
Start with the telescopic boat hook. Remove the hook itself and the cap at the end of it. Then you take the PU foam and glue it to the stick. It is the best to place the foam below the expanding part of the stick where you lock it, as that still allows you to regulate the length and so makes it easier to store. Once you have fixed the foam to the stick you have to find the right weight of lead so that the stick swims upright, i.e. sticking out of the water. 
There are two ways to achieve this:
Firstly, you can calculate it with Archimedes’ law. Or secondly, you can try it out until it works. I have done the Archimedes law and then tried it in practice, never been that much of a theoretician... When trying it in practice, take the stick with the foam and throw it into the water (you might want to tie it on to something in case you’ve got too much weight…). Now adjust the weight  at the bottom until the stick swims upright. After that you weigh  the metal needed. 
I then  moulded the lead to the shape of the end of the stick. To do this, you can use a gas cooker and an old pan to melt the lead (make sure you work somewhere well-ventilated) and then mould it in the right shape. 

Now you are nearly done. Simply stitch the reflective vest around the PU Foam and you have your own Danbouy.
If you want, you can add a light on top and fix it with a screw to the stick.

I even added a swimming ring and a flag (from the rest of the vest) 


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